Freya Wysocki

Freya Wysocki creates tapestries, sculptures and installations that often show mundane situations that they inject with a sense of humour and unease which pokes fun at our society. This is influenced by their love for cartoons, such as The Simpsons, which parodies Western culture and the human condition.
Freya is fascinated with folklore and the mystical, which leads to a dreamlike yet freakish quality to their work. Process is important for Freya and they view their practice as a way to connect to something tangible in an increasingly digital and chaotic world.

Freya is also one third of the collective TV Babies, alongside Jenny Hanns and Charlotte Simmons. They create films, installations and sculptures that impart a sense of tongue in cheek humour. Their ideas often consider the challenges faced by the image as currency, digital bombardment, and disrupting public space. TV Babies want to challenge the profit-focused nature of public space towards a more people-focused approach, generating a sense of belonging through joy & silliness.

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